Welcome to Tag Along Travel
Hi there! I’m Deborah and my spouse travels for work a lot. Sometimes I tag along, which is fab because who doesn’t love to travel? But it’s not always a passport to fun. When I’m grounded at home and he’s away, it can feel like a long layover after the airport bar closes. Join me to find out how to make business travel and marriage work. I recap my favourite travel destinations and adventures while trying to sort out how to enjoy the journey, whether tagging along or not.
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When to Tag Along on Business Travel
In theory, I’d love to tag along on every business trip Steve takes. The reality is that it doesn’t always make sense or it isn’t logistically possible. Here’s how I, and fellow tag-along travellers, decide whether to cash in those loyalty points to hop on a plane with our significant other. […]
What You Need to Know About Marriage and Business Travel
Perhaps you’re a veteran business traveller who recently got married or started cohabiting. Maybe you’ve been married for awhile and just got a new job that involves regular travel. No matter what you’re expecting, there will be things you didn’t expect when it comes to your relationship. From the Tag Along Travel archives, here’s what you need to know about marriage and business travel. […]
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Taking a pause from blogging
I’ve been taking a pause from blogging at TagAlongTravel for the past several months. I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve accomplished with this platform and where I want to take it from here. My mixed feelings about the blog’s future have been nerve-racking, but recently, I resolved that I’m okay with the ambivalence. […]
Review: Cyclomundo Sicilian Crossroads self-guided tour
Siciliy’s winding, hilly roads and sweeping landscapes offered the perfect pandemic tonic for our travel-deprived souls. Cyclomundo’s Sicilian Crossroads self-guided cycling tour tested our flat prairie terrain legs but enticed us each kilometre with the promise of the next charming town along the route. […]
5 things I noticed about Sicily
Just a stone’s throw over the Mediterranean from Italy’s “toe,” Sicily is one of the country’s most beautiful regions and enjoys a distinct character. It’s got a bit more of a laid-back vibe than the mainland, in our experience. You’d be hard-pressed to find any business open between the hours of 1 -4 p.m., for example, when Sicilians take a leisurely lunch break. We fell in love with Sicily’s landscape, cuisine, and culture during a month’s stay in October. Here are a few things we noticed about it. […]
How to navigate international travel and COVID-19
As I write this, the Canadian government advises that non-essential international travel is not recommended. At the same time, it has launched a national vaccine passport program with one of the aims stated as making international travel easier. Around the world, counties have unique entry requirements making the prospect of booking a trip challenging. Should you even think about booking a trip? We did and went to Italy last month. Here’s how we made our decision and navigated international travel considering COVID-19. […]
5 things you should consider if you plan to travel during the pandemic
Steve and I hopped on a flight to British Columbia this past August to celebrate our anniversary in Vancouver and to visit my sister and her partner in Vernon. We felt relatively prepared and comfortable travelling domestically, but we faced a few unexpected challenges related to the pandemic. If your plans include jetting off before we see the other side of the coronavirus, you might benefit from our experience with these pandemic travel considerations. 1. Get the right mask for the plane Health authorities have reported that the way air circulates and is filtered on a plane makes it harder for viruses to spread. However, you are in very close proximity to others, and the crowded environment in the airport presents a risk too. Steve and I are on the very cautious side. Even though we’re double-vaxxed, we know it’s still possible to become infected. Yes, we’re pretty unlikely to become very sick, but we aim to get through this pandemic without getting the virus. Even vaccinated people have experienced long-covid symptoms, and we want to keep our risk as low as possible. So, with that context, we set out to get some N95 masks to use while in transit. [...]
What we’ve discovered from more than a year without business travel
We’re hoping to begin travelling for business again in the late fall but think it will be some time before Steve gets back to his monthly travel schedule, if ever. Staying put in Winnipeg for the past 16 months has been quite the lifestyle change. I asked Steve the other day if he’s discovered anything from the experience of doing business remotely rather than in person. Here’s what he had to say and some of my observations. […]
5 indispensable items I always pack when travelling
I can hardly believe our first post-pandemic trip to British Columbia is just a month away. Because I’m a super planner, I’ve already started thinking about what I’ll take with me, which led me to this post. My list always begins with these five indispensable items I always pack when travelling. […]
My tag-along trip staying at Mere hotel in Winnipeg
Thanks to covid, it’s been more than a year since my last trip tagging along on Steve’s business travel. No planes, trains, Ubers, hotel rooms, or Airbnb stays. Then, due to a virtual conference Steve had to attend based in the European time zone, I found myself staying at the Mere hotel in Winnipeg for two nights. I was excited. I thought it might feel like a mini-tag-along getaway. […]
7 Surprising things I miss about travel
It’s been over a year since we’ve travelled internationally, but now that Steve and I have our first vaccine shots, the possibility of jetting off somewhere doesn’t seem as far off as it did just a month or two ago. Frankly, I’ve blocked all travel thoughts from my mind over the past year as a coping mechanism. Lately, though, I’ve started to daydream about where we might take our first trip. I’ve realized there are some surprising things I miss about travel. […]