One of the finest pleasures of travel is the immersion in a place and culture that is novel to the visitor. I always travel with an eye out for what is distinct about the destination I am visiting, which spawned my blog post series, “5 things I noticed in …” Some of my observations relate to culture, while others are about practical things that I learned during a trip. It’s a fun game to play as you recline your seat on the flight home. I’ve compiled all of TagAlongTravel’s “5 Things” posts and chose a top “thing” from each one.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Bulgaria is home to some very rich and delicious traditional foods, but the population skews to the slim side. How can this be? Could it be related to gut bacteria and the role it is thought to play in obesity? Bulgaria is home to lactobacillus bulgaricus, which is a unique bacteria found in Bulgarian yogurt. Bulgarians claim it is a super probiotic and consume a lot of it. Maybe it contributes to a healthy gut microbiome.

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia - kiselo mlyako drink

Bangalore, India

If you’re staying in a hotel in India, one of the first things you’ll notice is the hyper-emphasis on customer service. If you’re from North America, it will likely make you feel uncomfortable. In mid-priced restaurants, it is not uncommon to have a waiter swoop in to assist you the moment you lift a spoon to help yourself to a bit more vegetable korma.

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in Bangalore, India

Bangalore - surprise cake

Spotting that it was Steve’s birthday on his passport, a hotel in Bangalore surprised him with a cake.

The Netherlands

If you are obsessed with shoes and prefer unique, well-made designs (Steve fits neatly into this category), stroll through the shops in Amsterdam and even smaller centres such as Utrecht and you will lose your mind. It’s a surprising mecca for cool shoes.

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in the Netherlands

Netherlands Distinctive Shoes

Krakow, Poland

If you’re a little laid back when it comes to the rules of the road, beware if you visit Poland. Jaywalking is a serious offence and can result in a $20-$35 CAD on-the-spot fine. No exceptions for tourists!

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in Krakow, Poland

Krakow - Waiting for street light

Venice, Italy

I have never visited a city with so many well-dressed dogs. Yes, you read that right—DOGS. I’m not talking about a cute little kerchief or sweater; Venetian dogs sport full outfits with accessories.

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in Venice, Italy

Venice - Dog in Clothes

Mexico City, Mexico

Regardless of how high the mercury climbs, you will be hard-pressed to spot a local in Mexico City wearing shorts. Low cut, sleeveless, and in some cases transparent tops, but nobody bares their legs strolling through the city.

Read all 6 Things I Noticed in Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City woman in jeans


Every grocery store we walked into had a station for shoppers to lock up their wheeled tote carts. I have never seen such a thing in North America because virtually everyone here drives to get their groceries. Learn from the Spaniards, people—embrace an active lifestyle and walk to get your groceries using a tote cart!

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in Spain

Spain: Grocery Tote Lockup

London, England

I didn’t locate firm empirical proof of this phenomenon, but I believe the fact that Brits drive on the opposite side of the street from most of the world makes them more prone to bump into you when walking amongst them. I could not get into the flow of busy pedestrian thoroughfares, no matter what I tried. I’d zig, and the person coming my way would zag resulting in an awkward near collision.

Read all 5 Things I Noticed in London, England

London walking in Brixton

What’s one thing you noticed about a place you visited that took you by surprise?

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