Tag Along Travel has visited the following locations in Europe:
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom
If you have a specific questions about any of these destinations, contact me.
How Travel Changes Life At Home
Unfamiliar foods and recipes, cultural practices, even habits we develop on the road—one of the gifts of travel is how it can change our lives at home. […]
Review: The Museum of Broken Relationships
I love quirky museums. Sure, famous works of art and historical artifacts are ok, but a museum offering a departure from the regular fare always gets my attention. Upon learning about the Museum of Broken Relationships, it went immediately to the top of my must-see list for our day visit to Croatia’s capital city Zagreb. […]
What to do in Krakow on a business trip tag-along
I was keen to tag along on Steve’s business trip to Krakow. This was my first time visiting Poland, and although I was looking forward to it, I can’t say that I had high expectations. It turns out, Krakow may be one of my favourite European cities. True to form, the underrated destinations often exceed expectations. I LOVED Krakow. […]
5 Things I Noticed In Krakow
My tag-along trip to Krakow left me in a sunny mood. It was May, the skies were almost always blue, the city was easy to navigate, and there was more to do than I could fit into the six days I visited. Here are five things I noticed about this gem of a European city. […]
Why I went to Krakow and didn’t visit Auschwitz-Birkenau
When I decided to tag along with Steve on his business trip to Krakow, Poland, I assumed we would visit Auschwitz. But as our trip drew closer and I began researching the details, I didn’t want to go. I struggled with this feeling. No one wants to visit Auschwitz. Many people, though, feel they have a moral obligation to go. Should I have gone? I still feel conflicted. […]
It is a small world: Incredible travel coincidences
Back in September, an episode on one of my favourite NPR podcasts, Hidden Brain, was about coincidence and how chance occurrences are perhaps not as mathematically extraordinary as we think. The following month I travelled with Steve on business to Sofia, Bulgaria, and I experienced my own coincidental moment (which was kind of coincidental itself, right?). Mathematically possible or not, my experience was a freaky little moment that became even more extraordinary upon our return home. […]