Welcome to Tag Along Travel
Hi there! I’m Deborah and my spouse travels for work a lot. Sometimes I tag along, which is fab because who doesn’t love to travel? But it’s not always a passport to fun. When I’m grounded at home and he’s away, it can feel like a long layover after the airport bar closes. Join me to find out how to make business travel and marriage work. I recap my favourite travel destinations and adventures while trying to sort out how to enjoy the journey, whether tagging along or not.
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Tag-Along Trip to Seattle (via Redmond)
I’ve enjoyed visiting Seattle a few times. Most recently, I decided to tag along on Steve’s weekend business trip to Redmond, which is a suburb city about 26 kilometres outside Seattle. One of the things I like about being a tag along traveller is that you get to explore places you wouldn’t normally set out to visit. […]
How to use Google Maps when you travel
Anyone who knows me or reads this blog, knows that a cement brick has a better sense of direction than I do. Using Google Maps when I travel has given me a sense of confidence I never had before to explore new cities, without having to ask someone for directions every few blocks—an introvert’s nightmare. […]
Vancouver Island Getaway
A Vancouver Island getaway is perfect in the fall. Yes, you’ll contend with overcast skies and on-again-off-again rain, but it’s beautiful any time of year and travelling in the off season has advantages (lower rates, fewer people). Steve had a weekend work gig in Redmond, Washington so we decided to fly to Vancouver and hop a ferry to the Island for a couple of days beforehand. […]
Do you need to register a second driver on your rental car?
If you rent a car with a companion while travelling, the agent will inevitably ask if you would like to register a second driver. If you agree, you will be charged a fee to register that driver (usually about $2 – $3 per day). We have always either paid up or resolved that just one of us would drive. Turns out we were throwing money out the window. […]
Navigating Cultural Differences on Business Travel
A few of the tensest moments Steve and I have experienced when on business travel have involved trying to steer clear of offending anyone due to cultural differences. Preparation can help avoid major mishaps, but some cultural differences are subtle. Cultural competence expert, Janet Desautels, offers Tag Along Travel readers some practical advice in this Q & A post. […]
Great Travel for Introverts may not be what you think
Many jump to the conclusion that people with more introverted personalities are shy and that they shun crowds and unfamiliar situations. Travelling introverts are advised to choose quiet, contemplative destinations, and to avoid group activities. Well, I’m an introvert and that kind of advice just doesn’t fit for me. […]
How to travel with a full-sized suitcase without checking it
For many travellers, the most stressful parts of a trip are packing, getting through security, and the fear that your suitcase won’t be at your destination to greet you at the baggage carousel. So a service that allows you to avoid the hassle of taking any baggage with you at all is intriguing, right? […]
The case for no bucket list travel
Do you have a travel bucket list? we don’t. Most of the places we’ve travelled are the result of chance opportunities and I think that’s worked out better than making plans based on “must-see” destinations. Allow me to make the case for an anti-bucket list approach to travel. […]
Why Uber Rocks For Travellers
The taxi industry is in a major state of disruption with the rise and popularity of the ride sharing company Uber. In every city it has set up, the taxi lobby has waged a campaign to cast this tech-savvy alternative as recklessly endangering the lives of the passengers that use it. There’s also the debate over fair compensation for drivers. Certainly, it’s a service that is going to require some type of new regulation. But what’s clear to me is that as a frequent traveller, Uber rocks! […]