Welcome to Tag Along Travel
Hi there! I’m Deborah and my spouse travels for work a lot. Sometimes I tag along, which is fab because who doesn’t love to travel? But it’s not always a passport to fun. When I’m grounded at home and he’s away, it can feel like a long layover after the airport bar closes. Join me to find out how to make business travel and marriage work. I recap my favourite travel destinations and adventures while trying to sort out how to enjoy the journey, whether tagging along or not.
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A quick and tasty 30 (awake) hours in Amsterdam
My December tag along trip with Steve to Delft was sandwiched between an evening in Amsterdam upon our arrival to the Netherlands, and a day-long visit before our departure to Istanbul. Bad planning – what were we thinking? You can’t possibly see even a fraction of all that Amsterdam has to offer in this paltry amount of time. Nevertheless, we managed to squeeze in some fun stuff and get a sense of the city. We’ll be back! […]
Solving challenges of business travel with your spouse
Tagging along with your significant other on business travel is different than travelling together on vacation. It’s a semi-independent travel experience that requires flexibility and a good dose of understanding. Even after a decade of accompanying Steve on various corporate gigs, I still have to remind myself at times that these two ingredients are key to a positive experience. […]
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Winnipeg’s Qaumajuq Inuit art centre first of its kind
The Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) was established in 1912 and is Canada’s oldest civic gallery. Late last month, it threw the doors open to a stunning addition—an art centre comprising the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit art. The 40,000-square-foot centre is called Qaumajuq, which is Inuktitut and translates to, “It is bright, it is lit.” With its radiant white stone facade and sun-drenched interior, it’s aptly named. […]
Will marriage and business travel change post-pandemic?
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How dogs differ around the world
I adore dogs, which means I’m a keen observer of them when out and about either at home or when travelling. Over the years and across destinations, I’ve noticed differences in dog and owner behaviour and often wondered about it. I chalked it up to differences in cultures. After a bit of online research, it seems my hypothesis about how dogs differ around the world has some merit. […]
5 things I hope don’t change post-pandemic
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How a gratitude jar works
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The Risks of Travel
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Buying Art When Travelling
Purchasing art by local artists while abroad is a terrific way to support the economy of the country you’re visiting. Art is also an enduring visual reminder of your travels that offers more than, say, a fridge magnet. I reached out to a few people in my real life and online network for art-buying stories and advice on how to make a wise purchase while travelling. […]
Okanagan Valley – The Perfect Canadian Retreat
If you’re mulling over a Canadian escape this year, British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley should be a top contender. It’s an active traveller’s dream with nearby skiing, hiking, and golf, and if you’re a wine lover, some of Canada’s award-winning vintages hail from this region. Paired with a cozy Airbnb—winter or summer, this stunning destination has plenty of appeal. […]
7 Unconventional Museums Worth Visiting
I’ve visited my fair share of galleries and museums around the world, and to be honest, I don’t remember much about most of them. Unless you’re deeply into art or history, it all becomes a blur of genius talent and antiquity. On the other hand, I have experienced several unconventional museums during my travels that have stayed with me years later. Some have been on the lowbrow side, but they are all so much fun. Here are seven unconventional gems worth visiting on your next trip to one of these cities. […]